Top 10k strings from Attack of the Alien Waters (1985)(Green Fish Software Enterprise).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /
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2 PRESS ANY KEY" 2 ;"(Y)es or (N)o?"; 1 start game 1 instructions 1 cpe=e=e=e- 1 WELCOME TO"; 1 PRESS FIRE BUTTON TO PLAY 1 G A M E O V E R 1 ATTACK OF THE ALIEN WATERS" 1 ATTACK OF THE ALIEN WATERS 1 ;"When you have mopped up some"'"splashes you must squeeze them"'"into the bucket in the bottom"'"of the screen."'"If the bucket"'"collects water then you score"'"5 points." 1 ;"When playing (AOTAW),you will"'"have to keep your eyes open at"'"all times,because all the"'"water in all the world is"'"starting to get mad at being"'"drunk all the time." 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS" 1 ;"Do you want instructions" 1 ;"Do you want instructions again" 1 ;"BY SAJ BROAD" 1 2 KEMPSTON 1 1 KEYBOARD 1 0 TO START 1 (splash)"; 1 ''" You must use the cursor keys"'"or Kempston joystick to move"'"your sponge about the screen,"'"mopping up all the splashes"'"of water that are attacking"'"you." 1 ''" To squeeze the sponge press 0"'"or fire on joystick." 1 NO ERRORS 1 GREEN FISH 1 FIRST PASS